Project Partners

    Lead partner: Regional Development Agency Eastern Serbia – RARIS

    RARIS was established in 2007, as a bottom-up initiative by the Eastern Serbia stakeholders.

    Founders of RARIS: Municipalities of Majdanpek, Kladovo, Bor, Knjaževac, Boljevac, Negotin and Sokobanja, the City of Zaječar, Regional Chamber of Commerce Zaječar, Road Enterprise Zaječar, NGO “The Timok Club”, Faculty of Management Zaječar

    Objective of RARIS is to support development initiatives based on institutional networking and partnerships aiming at sustainable development of Eastern Serbia.

    RARIS team: experienced and committed staff, with a broad knowledge on territorial development, domestic and international context.

    Pursuant to the Law on Regional Development, RARIS has been the first Accredited RDA in Serbia according to the Low on Regional Development since May 04th, 2011.


    Partner: Romanian Association for Technology Transfer and Innovation, Mehedinti County – AROTT

    ARoTT is a professional, non-governmental and non-profit  organization of technological transfer and innovation.

    ARoTT has 43 members (Universities, R&D Centres, TT Centres, Chamber of Commerce and Industry) and implemented 18 innovation projects, 24 cross-border and 5 human resource projects. Starting with 2009 ARoTT have a Subisdiary in Dorbeta Turnu Severin.

    On this period ARoTT, Mehedinti County implementing projects for the Mehedinti area.


    Start Date

    End Date

    Project priority
     Attractiveness for sustainable tourism


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